
infrastructure changelog

This site was built using the no-style-please Jekyll theme.

For deploys, I keep it simple, using Capistrano and the related Jekyll gem. Currently, I use 3 environments: staging, production, and DR. In my current deploy process, DR and production environments are deployed simultaneously.

As far as infrastructure, I use Linode as my cloud provider. Two Ubuntu 20.04 VMs, hosted in different regions, support all of my current services. Services are replicated across each machine to provide disaster recovery.

Since my internal service list is rather low right now, my current monitoring stack only incorporates Uptime Kuma. Once this site has been moved into a Kubenertes Cluster, Prometheus will take its place as my monitoring tool, with Kuma serving as the public status page.

In the near future, all services will be migrated to a Kubernetes cluster.